Tyus Nedd is the Founder and Executive Director of TYUSNEDD Brands which was created to enrich the future by empowering, encouraging and educating individuals and organizations in realizing and releasing their dream(s). He is an Executive Dream Coach for corporate executives, college and high school coaches, professional athletes, students, and pastors. He designed and implemented a dream coaching program for at risk young men ages 12-17 and 18-35 for the YMCA Columbus.
Tyus is the author of the book and workbook, Fire and Focus, Dream Slayers, DAC (Dreams are Contagious) training manual, the Dreamer’s Storyboard manual and Opportunities | Women Move Forward. Additionally, he and Kenneth E. Strong co-authored Leadership Begins on the Back of a Napkin, and his latest book,
His signature talks to corporations and churches are: Contagious Enthusiasm: Living Extraordinary, Dream Slayers, Opportunities: Women Move Forward, Fire & Focus, Wealth is Your Birthright, Raise the Bar and Life Progression Equation.
Tyus has spoken at colleges, schools, financial conferences as well as conferences for youth and for men and women, camps, detention centers, and churches throughout the United States and abroad. In 2016, 2017 and 2018 he held leadership and family development conferences in Nairobi, Kenya.